Our labels

Because nobody remembers Estelle from Accounting or Fabien from Quality but we all know
Bernard the CEO, here is the who's who of labels to help you find your way.

Fair for Fair for Life

Fair for Life is a fair trade certification program for agriculture, manufacturing and trade. It was created in 2006 by the Swiss Bio-Foundation in cooperation with the IMO Group, then taken over by the Ecocert Group in 2014 to meet a specific demand from organic farming stakeholders.

Beyond the inherent concept of fair pricing, and from the beginning of its creation, Fair for Life is aware of the notion of “responsible supply chains”: having a long-term vision, engaging with sincerity and acting responsibly throughout the supply chain.

The label encourages a supply chain business model that aims at the resilience of each link.

Fair for Life certification is a tool that makes it possible to promote and protect exemplary sectors, where the actors have chosen to act responsibly by implementing good economic, social and environmental practices.

By following the framework defined by the Fair for Life certification, producers, processors and brand owners can secure their sales and supplies, through tools such as long-term contracts with fixed prices and volumes, and by establishing a true partnership between them.

Fair for Life's mission is to provide a framework in which each actors can commit to making fair trade principles a reality in its supply chain by:
1) Defining clear requirements for each player in a supply chain to characterize fair trade and responsible supply chains;
2) Ensuring effective control of these requirements, while offering a flexible approach that can adapt to local contexts, cultures and traditions;
3) Ensuring that consumers receive candid, truthful information about these requirements and the efforts  to implement them.