Our labels

Because nobody remembers Estelle from Accounting or Fabien from Quality but we all know
Bernard the CEO, here is the who's who of labels to help you find your way.

World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO)

The World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) is a global association of 401 organizations committed to improving the livelihoods of economically marginalized producers.

WFTO has members in 76 countries. Members are mainly fair trade companies, whose business model is verified by independent audit and peer review.

Verification is done at the corporate level, which covers all aspects of the business and supply chain. WFTO verification should not be confused with product certification systems, such as Fairtrade certification, where only one component of the product is covered.

The WFTO product label can only be used by verified fair trade companies.

The WFTO was established in 1989 and was previously the International Federation of Alternative Traders ("IFAT").

WFTO members use business activity to achieve a social mission and have been called “fair trade social enterprises”.

WFTO's stated mission is "to enable producers to improve their livelihoods and communities through fair trade".

Their five goals are:
- To be the first network of the fair trade movement
- Provide an environment for sharing and learning
- Raise awareness and promote the fair trade model, and advocate for a shift towards conventional trade.
- Create market access opportunities for members
- Improve WFTO's ability to provide a wider range of services to its members.